Production Line Types and Attributes

Production Line Types and Attributes are both created and maintained from the Sites page under the Setup header in Phenix’s left side menu. For more detailed information, see the work instruction Maintain Line Types and Attributes.

Line Attributes

To create or maintain Line Attributes, click Line Attributes at the top of the screen.

Click Create at the top of the screen to create a new Attribute. Click Edit in the right “Actions” column of an Attribute’s entry to edit.

In the window that opens, enter the Name of the attribute, and select the Type from the options “Operating-mode”, “Number”, and “Text”.

Screenshot of Create or Edit an Attribute window.

Click in the right “Actions” column of an Attribute’s entry to delete it.

Line Types

To create or maintain Line Types, click on Line Types at the top of the screen.

Click Create at the top of the screen to create a new Line Type. Click Edit in the right “Actions” column of a Type’s entry to edit.

In the window that opens, enter the Name of the Line type. Select the user-created Attributes to be included in the Type, if any.

Click in the right “Actions” column of an Attribute’s entry to delete it.